The Council for Sexual Health Professions (CSHP) is a

legally registered non-statutory South African Professional body

that serve the public interest and safeguard the values of Sexual Health Professions by upholding, promoting and enforcing the highest ethical and professional standards.


protects the Public Interest in relation to professional services provided by all its members and the associated risks. The CSHP promotes best practices of well-trained sexual health professionals to optimize sexual health (parenthood, relationship & sexual happiness) and guides the sexual health profession.


of Sexual Health Professions in South Africa are

To optimize, protect and enhance the sexual health, sexual well-being & sexual happiness of all South Africans, on all aspects of sexuality, as defined by the World Health Organization's "Human Sexual Rights" and as in the RSA's Constitution.
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To provide best practices of professional sexual health services from well-trained, ethical sexual health professionals to ensure that the public of the RSA receives the highest quality of optimum, risk-free, professional services.
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To achieve the main goals (purposes) the COUNCIL has the following fundamental, enduring and long-term ancillary objectives:


The council must act in the public interest by enhancing relationships, protecting public interest, upholding ethical standards, dealing with complaints of unprofessional behaviour, and enforcing the code of professional conduct applicable to Members.
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The council promotes the need for Sexual Health Professionals, encourages advancement of skills and knowledge, and supports lifelong learning. It develops, awards, monitors, and revokes professional designations, sets criteria for continuing professional development, and has a code of conduct.
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The Council For Sexual Health Professions promotes human rights, autonomy, beneficence, non-malfeasance and justice, non-discrimination, sex-positive, pro-choice, accessible, open, scientific, responsible and confidential.
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The EXCO acts as the executive of the COUNCIL. All affairs of the COUNCIL shall be governed by the 13 members of EXCO

1.1. to actively enhance the relationships, sexual health, and physical and emotional well-being of all individuals, couples and families;

1.2. to be reactive and proactive against HIV & Aids, STD’s, HPV’s, rape, human trafficking, sexual abuse, violence against women and children, unplanned teenage pregnancies, sex- and gender discrimination.

1.3. to hold Government Departments accountable where applicable;

1.4. to assist Government Departments with the continuous professional training of their professionals and senior officials where applicable;

1.5. to protect the public interest in relation to services provided by all members of CONCIL and the associated risks.

2.1. conduct activities in such a manner as to avoid conflicts with the public interest;

2.2. uphold, promote and enforce the highest ethical standards – including general ethics (as academic discipline), the ethics of sexuality (sexological perspective) and a professional code of ethics;

2.3. employ the necessary competencies to carry out its objectives and undertakings; and

2.4. deal speedily and fairly with complaints of unprofessional and incompetent behaviour, and pursuant thereto prescribe a code of professional conduct applicable to Members.

2.5. To promote the common interests of Members nationally and internationally

“Sexuality is a central aspect of being human throughout life and encompasses sex, gender identities and roles, sexual orientation, eroticism, pleasure, intimacy and reproduction. Sexuality is experienced and expressed in thoughts, fantasies, desires, beliefs, attitudes, values, behaviours, practices, roles and relationships. Sexuality is influenced by the interaction of biological, psychological, social, economic, political, cultural, ethical, legal, historical and religious and spiritual factors” (WHO, 2000) and (WAS, 2007).

“Sexology is the scientific study of the individual and collective sexual being and behaviour (procreation, relation and recreation) with a unique w-holistic, universal integralistic (bio-psycho-socio-cultural), inter-transactional (trans-disciplinary) theory and an own methodology and unique field of study aimed at between and beyond the poles praxis theories as outcomes”. Lemmer 2005a, 2011a, 2011b.

“As an interdisciplinary science, sexology is uniquely placed to bring together the knowledge and expertise of specialists, the diverse agendas of various advocacy groups, the health concerns of communities, and the methodologies and interests of diverse disciplines. For this reason, it is critical that sexology is promoted as a discipline/profession. It is not sufficient for specialists from other disciplines to apply their fields of expertise to the study of Sexual Health”. WHO 2000 p.28.

Become a Member

The designation of a Sexual Health Professional in South Africa is subjected to the constitution of the COUNCIL FOR SEXUAL HEALTH PROFESSIONS